Courses & Communities

Transform learning.


Intuitive Course Builder

Manage courses

No technical expertise needed to develop engaging and informative courses.

Flexible media types

Incorporate various media types like videos, PDFs, and quizzes to enrich your courses.

Personalised Learning Paths

Enable learners to track their progress throughout the course.


Advance Features

Detailed Course Analytics

Gain insights into course engagement, completion rates and student performance.

Custom branding

Reflect your unique brand in each module.

Certification and Rewards

Celebrate your students success with branded certifications.


Custom Community Feature

Private backend for students

Build a community around your courses where students can interact and engage with their course coordinator. All managed via a simple interface.

Forums and Groups

Assign moderators and create groups for students to discuss course material.

Enhance learning

Foster a sense of belonging and increase course completion rates.


Simple and easy course builder with certificates

Personalise the learning experience

Customised back end for course collaboration

Connected to our entire DMHQ Ecosystem, the Courses and Communities feature gives your community the ultimate online experience.