About Us

The Problem

We live in an era where digital experiences are pivotal for consumers. But what exactly makes a good digital experience? Is it the website, the email newsletters, or the checkout process?

The answer is all of the above. Each element plays a crucial role. It's the cohesiveness of every page, email, and payment interaction that leads to a satisfied customer.

This brings us to CRM (Customer Relationship Management). While many CRMs are available in the market today, they often come with complexities and steep learning curves, leaving companies unsure of what they're paying for.

That's why DMHQ exists.

Our Aim

We offer an all-in-one package to organisations of all sizes, eliminating the need to overspend on multiple software applications.

DMHQ is a dynamic and robust marketing automation platform that provides businesses with a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline their marketing, sales, and customer engagement processes. Based in Perth, Western Australia, we are dedicated to helping businesses with innovative applications and software solutions.

We are not just a SaaS company; we are passionate about enabling businesses to leverage the power of software. Our platform integrates seamlessly with various third-party applications, ensuring a flexible and adaptable environment for businesses of all sizes.

Companies can expect an intuitive user interface, providing a straightforward experience even for those new to marketing automation. The platform's ability to personalise customer interactions and track engagement metrics makes it an invaluable asset for businesses aiming to enhance their marketing effectiveness and boost their return on investment.

What our customers say

"Incredible useful software"

The automations and clean interface makes it so easy to run our business.


Window Fresh

We've grown our user base

Took our app from 50 to 1000+ users! Highly recommend this CRM.

Redesigned our website!

Built our new website on this CRM and cleaned up our software to be more streamlined and efficient.